JARVIS FULL SOURCE_CODE Tags (Ignore them) :- Jarvis python source code,jarvis ai,jarvis python github,python projects,jarvis python code,jarvis python,source code jarvis,jarvis python project,how to make jarvis in python,jarvis source code.. VIDEO LINK :-VIDEO
1. Speek Function
import pyttsx3
import speech_recognition
engine = pyttsx3 .init ("sapi5" )
voices = engine .getProperty ("voices" )
engine .setProperty ("voice" , voices [0 ].id)
rate = engine .setProperty ("rate" ,170 )
def speak (audio ):
engine .say (audio )
engine .runAndWait ()
def takeCommand ():
r = speech_recognition .Recognizer ()
with speech_recognition .Microphone () as source :
print ("Listening....." )
r .pause_threshold = 1
r .energy_threshold = 300
audio = r .listen (source ,0 ,4 )
try :
print ("Understanding.." )
query = r .recognize_google (audio ,language ='en-in' )
print (f "You Said: { query } \n " )
except Exception as e :
print ("Say that again" )
return "None"
return query
2. Greet Me Function
if __name__ == "__main__" :
while True :
query = takeCommand ().lower ()
if "wake up" in query :
from GreetMe import greetMe
greetMe ()
while True :
query = takeCommand ().lower ()
if "go to sleep" in query :
speak ("Ok sir , You can me call anytime" )
Then Make A NEW File named GreetMe.py in VsCode and paste the following:- import pyttsx3
import datetime
engine = pyttsx3 .init ("sapi5" )
voices = engine .getProperty ("voices" )
engine .setProperty ("voice" , voices [0 ].id)
engine .setProperty ("rate" ,200 )
def speak (audio ):
engine .say (audio )
engine .runAndWait ()
def greetMe ():
hour = int (datetime .datetime .now ().hour )
if hour >=0 and hour <=12 :
speak ("Good Morning,sir" )
elif hour >12 and hour <=18 :
speak ("Good Afternoon ,sir" )
else :
speak ("Good Evening,sir" )
speak ("Please tell me, How can I help you ?" )
3. Conversations
elif "hello" in query :
speak ("Hello sir, how are you ?" )
elif "i am fine" in query :
speak ("that's great, sir" )
elif "how are you" in query :
speak ("Perfect, sir" )
elif "thank you" in query :
speak ("you are welcome, sir" )
4. Searching from web
elif "google" in query :
from SearchNow import searchGoogle
searchGoogle (query )
elif "youtube" in query :
from SearchNow import searchYoutube
searchYoutube (query )
elif "wikipedia" in query :
from SearchNow import searchWikipedia
searchWikipedia (query )
Then make a new file and name it SearchNow.py in Vscode and paste the following code :- import speech_recognition
import pyttsx3
import pywhatkit
import wikipedia
import webbrowser
def takeCommand ():
r = speech_recognition .Recognizer ()
with speech_recognition .Microphone () as source :
print ("Listening....." )
r .pause_threshold = 1
r .energy_threshold = 300
audio = r .listen (source ,0 ,4 )
try :
print ("Understanding.." )
query = r .recognize_google (audio ,language ='en-in' )
print (f "You Said: { query } \n " )
except Exception as e :
print ("Say that again" )
return "None"
return query
query = takeCommand ().lower ()
engine = pyttsx3 .init ("sapi5" )
voices = engine .getProperty ("voices" )
engine .setProperty ("voice" , voices [0 ].id)
engine .setProperty ("rate" ,170 )
def speak (audio ):
engine .say (audio )
engine .runAndWait ()
def searchGoogle (query ):
if "google" in query :
import wikipedia as googleScrap
query = query .replace("jarvis" ,"" )
query = query .replace("google search" ,"" )
query = query .replace("google" ,"" )
speak ("This is what I found on google" )
try :
pywhatkit .search (query )
result = googleScrap .summary (query ,1 )
speak (result )
except :
speak ("No speakable output available" )
def searchYoutube (query ):
if "youtube" in query :
speak ("This is what I found for your search!" )
query = query .replace("youtube search" ,"" )
query = query .replace("youtube" ,"" )
query = query .replace("jarvis" ,"" )
web = "https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=" + query
webbrowser .open (web )
pywhatkit .playonyt (query )
speak ("Done, Sir" )
def searchWikipedia (query ):
if "wikipedia" in query :
speak ("Searching from wikipedia...." )
query = query .replace("wikipedia" ,"" )
query = query .replace("search wikipedia" ,"" )
query = query .replace("jarvis" ,"" )
results = wikipedia .summary (query ,sentences = 2 )
speak ("According to wikipedia.." )
print (results )
speak (results )
5. Temperature
elif "temperature" in query :
search = "temperature in delhi"
url = f "https://www.google.com/search?q= { search } "
r = requests .get (url )
data = BeautifulSoup (r .text ,"html.parser" )
temp = data .find ("div" , class_ = "BNeawe" ).text
speak (f "current { search } is { temp } " )
elif "weather" in query :
search = "temperature in delhi"
url = f "https://www.google.com/search?q= { search } "
r = requests .get (url )
data = BeautifulSoup (r .text ,"html.parser" )
temp = data .find ("div" , class_ = "BNeawe" ).text
speak (f "current { search } is { temp } " )
6. Time
elif "the time" in query :
strTime = datetime .datetime .now ().strftime ("%H:%M" )
speak (f "Sir, the time is { strTime } " )
7. Finally Sleep
elif "finally sleep" in query :
speak ("Going to sleep,sir" )
exit ()
8. Open and Close apps/websites : Open and close apps like word, paint and various websites.
elif "open" in query :
from Dictapp import openappweb
openappweb (query )
elif "close" in query :
from Dictapp import closeappweb
closeappweb (query )
Make a new file & name it as Dictapp and paste the following code:-
import os
import pyautogui
import webbrowser
import pyttsx3
from time import sleep
engine = pyttsx3 .init ("sapi5" )
voices = engine .getProperty ("voices" )
engine .setProperty ("voice" , voices [0 ].id)
engine .setProperty ("rate" ,200 )
def speak (audio ):
engine .say (audio )
engine .runAndWait ()
dictapp = {"commandprompt" :"cmd" ,"paint" :"paint" ,"word" :"winword" ,"excel" :"excel" ,"chrome" :"chrome" ,"vscode" :"code" ,"powerpoint" :"powerpnt" }
def openappweb (query ):
speak ("Launching, sir" )
if ".com" in query or ".co.in" in query or ".org" in query :
query = query .replace("open" ,"" )
query = query .replace("jarvis" ,"" )
query = query .replace("launch" ,"" )
query = query .replace(" " ,"" )
webbrowser .open (f "https://www. { query } " )
else :
keys = list (dictapp .keys ())
for app in keys :
if app in query :
os .system (f "start { dictapp [app ]} " )
def closeappweb (query ):
speak ("Closing,sir" )
if "one tab" in query or "1 tab" in query :
pyautogui .hotkey ("ctrl" ,"w" )
speak ("All tabs closed" )
elif "2 tab" in query :
pyautogui .hotkey ("ctrl" ,"w" )
sleep (0.5 )
pyautogui .hotkey ("ctrl" ,"w" )
speak ("All tabs closed" )
elif "3 tab" in query :
pyautogui .hotkey ("ctrl" ,"w" )
sleep (0.5 )
pyautogui .hotkey ("ctrl" ,"w" )
sleep (0.5 )
pyautogui .hotkey ("ctrl" ,"w" )
speak ("All tabs closed" )
elif "4 tab" in query :
pyautogui .hotkey ("ctrl" ,"w" )
sleep (0.5 )
pyautogui .hotkey ("ctrl" ,"w" )
sleep (0.5 )
pyautogui .hotkey ("ctrl" ,"w" )
sleep (0.5 )
pyautogui .hotkey ("ctrl" ,"w" )
speak ("All tabs closed" )
elif "5 tab" in query :
pyautogui .hotkey ("ctrl" ,"w" )
sleep (0.5 )
pyautogui .hotkey ("ctrl" ,"w" )
sleep (0.5 )
pyautogui .hotkey ("ctrl" ,"w" )
sleep (0.5 )
pyautogui .hotkey ("ctrl" ,"w" )
sleep (0.5 )
pyautogui .hotkey ("ctrl" ,"w" )
speak ("All tabs closed" )
else :
keys = list (dictapp .keys ())
for app in keys :
if app in query :
os .system (f "taskkill /f /im { dictapp [app ]} .exe" )
9. Alarm
elif "set an alarm" in query :
print ("input time example:- 10 and 10 and 10" )
speak ("Set the time" )
a = input ("Please tell the time :- " )
alarm (a )
speak ("Done,sir" )
Above (if __name__ = "__main__") write this function :-
def alarm (query ):
timehere = open ("Alarmtext.txt" ,"a" )
timehere .write (query )
timehere .close ()
os .startfile ("alarm.py" )
Now make a new file & name it alarm.py and paste the following code:-
import pyttsx3
import datetime
import os
engine = pyttsx3 .init ("sapi5" )
voices = engine .getProperty ("voices" )
engine .setProperty ("voice" , voices [0 ].id)
engine .setProperty ("rate" ,200 )
def speak (audio ):
engine .say (audio )
engine .runAndWait ()
extractedtime = open ("Alarmtext.txt" ,"rt" )
time = extractedtime .read ()
Time = str (time )
extractedtime .close ()
deletetime = open ("Alarmtext.txt" ,"r+" )
deletetime .truncate (0 )
deletetime .close ()
def ring (time ):
timeset = str (time )
timenow = timeset .replace ("jarvis" ,"" )
timenow = timenow .replace ("set an alarm" ,"" )
timenow = timenow .replace (" and " ,":" )
Alarmtime = str (timenow )
print (Alarmtime )
while True :
currenttime = datetime .datetime .now ().strftime ("%H:%M:%S" )
if currenttime == Alarmtime :
speak ("Alarm ringing,sir" )
os .startfile ("music.mp3" ) #You can choose any music or ringtone
elif currenttime + "00:00:30" == Alarmtime :
exit ()
ring (time )
10. Youtube Controls like Play, Pause , Mute , Volume up and down
elif "pause" in query :
pyautogui .press ("k" )
speak ("video paused" )
elif "play" in query :
pyautogui .press ("k" )
speak ("video played" )
elif "mute" in query :
pyautogui .press ("m" )
speak ("video muted" )
elif "volume up" in query :
from keyboard import volumeup
speak ("Turning volume up,sir" )
volumeup ()
elif "volume down" in query :
from keyboard import volumedown
speak ("Turning volume down, sir" )
volumedown ()
Now make a new file & name it keyboard.py and paste the following code:-
from pynput .keyboard import Key ,Controller
from time import sleep
keyboard = Controller ()
def volumeup ():
for i in range (5 ):
keyboard .press(Key .media_volume_up)
keyboard .release(Key .media_volume_up)
sleep (0.1 )
def volumedown ():
for i in range (5 ):
keyboard .press(Key .media_volume_down)
keyboard .release(Key .media_volume_down)
sleep (0.1 )
11. Reminder
elif "remember that" in query :
rememberMessage = query .replace ("remember that" ,"" )
rememberMessage = query .replace ("jarvis" ,"" )
speak ("You told me to remember that" +rememberMessage )
remember = open ("Remember.txt" ,"a" )
remember .write (rememberMessage )
remember .close ()
elif "what do you remember" in query :
remember = open ("Remember.txt" ,"r" )
speak ("You told me to remember that" + remember .read ())
Now make a new file & name it "Remember.txt" :- it will make a new text file
12. Personalized Playlist : Make your own playlist and let jarvis play a random song from it...
elif "tired" in query :
speak ("Playing your favourite songs, sir" )
a = (1 ,2 ,3 ) # You can choose any number of songs (I have only choosen 3)
b = random .choice (a )
if b ==1 :
webbrowser. open ( #Here put the link of your video )
13. News Function : It will help you to get the top headlines in your chosen field
IMP : - Here first go to newsapi.org and make an account on it then get your own api key and paste in instead
Or watch my video if you are unable to get an api key..
elif "news" in query :
from NewsRead import latestnews
latestnews ()
Now make a new file & name it "NewsRead.py" and write the following code in it :-
import requests
import json
import pyttsx3
engine = pyttsx3 .init ("sapi5" )
voices = engine .getProperty ("voices" )
engine .setProperty ("voice" , voices [0 ].id)
rate = engine .setProperty ("rate" ,170 )
def speak (audio ):
engine .say (audio )
engine .runAndWait ()
def latestnews ():
api_dict = {"business" : "https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines?country=in&category=business&apiKey= #here paste your api key " ,
"entertainment" : "https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines?country=in&category=entertainment&apiKey= #here paste your api key " ,
"health" : "https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines?country=in&category=health&apiKey=#here paste your api key" ,
"science" :"https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines?country=in&category=science&apiKey= #here paste your api key " ,
"sports" :"https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines?country=in&category=sports&apiKey= #here paste your api key " ,
"technology" :"https://newsapi.org/v2/top-headlines?country=in&category=technology&apiKey= #here paste your api key "
content = None
url = None
speak ("Which field news do you want, [business] , [health] , [technology], [sports] , [entertainment] , [science]" )
field = input ("Type field news that you want: " )
for key ,value in api_dict .items ():
if key .lower () in field .lower ():
url = value
print (url )
print ("url was found" )
else :
url = True
if url is True :
print ("url not found" )
news = requests .get (url ).text
news = json .loads (news )
speak ("Here is the first news." )
arts = news ["articles" ]
for articles in arts :
article = articles ["title" ]
print (article )
speak (article )
news_url = articles ["url" ]
print (f "for more info visit: { news_url } " )
a = input ("[press 1 to cont] and [press 2 to stop]" )
if str (a ) == "1" :
elif str (a ) == "2" :
speak ("thats all" )
14. Calculator
IMP : - Here first go to "https://www.wolframalpha.com/" and make an account on it then get your own api key and paste in instead
Or watch my video if you are unable to get an api key..
elif "calculate" in query :
from Calculatenumbers import WolfRamAlpha
from Calculatenumbers import Calc
query = query .replace ("calculate" ,"" )
query = query .replace ("jarvis" ,"" )
Calc (query )
Now make a new file & name it "Calculatenumbers.py" and write the following code in it :-
import wolframalpha
import pyttsx3
import speech_recognition
engine = pyttsx3 .init ("sapi5" )
voices = engine .getProperty ("voices" )
engine .setProperty ("voice" , voices [0 ].id)
rate = engine .setProperty ("rate" ,170 )
def speak (audio ):
engine .say (audio )
engine .runAndWait ()
def WolfRamAlpha (query ):
apikey = "#paste your api key"
requester = wolframalpha .Client (apikey )
requested = requester .query (query )
try :
answer = next (requested .results).text
return answer
except :
speak ("The value is not answerable" )
def Calc (query ):
Term = str (query )
Term = Term .replace ("jarvis" ,"" )
Term = Term .replace ("multiply" ,"*" )
Term = Term .replace ("plus" ,"+" )
Term = Term .replace ("minus" ,"-" )
Term = Term .replace ("divide" ,"/" )
Final = str (Term )
try :
result = WolfRamAlpha (Final )
print (f " { result } " )
speak (result )
except :
speak ("The value is not answerable" )
15.Whatsapp automation
elif "whatsapp" in query :
from Whatsapp import sendMessage
sendMessage ()
Now make a new file & name it "Whatsapp.py" and write the following code in it :-
import pywhatkit
import pyttsx3
import datetime
import speech_recognition
import webbrowser
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup
from time import sleep
import os
from datetime import timedelta
from datetime import datetime
engine = pyttsx3 .init ("sapi5" )
voices = engine .getProperty ("voices" )
engine .setProperty ("voice" , voices [0 ].id)
rate = engine .setProperty ("rate" ,170 )
def speak (audio ):
engine .say (audio )
engine .runAndWait ()
def takeCommand ():
r = speech_recognition .Recognizer ()
with speech_recognition .Microphone () as source :
print ("Listening....." )
r .pause_threshold = 1
r .energy_threshold = 300
audio = r .listen (source ,0 ,4 )
try :
print ("Understanding.." )
query = r .recognize_google (audio ,language ='en-in' )
print (f "You Said: { query } \n " )
except Exception as e :
print ("Say that again" )
return "None"
return query
strTime = int (datetime .now ().strftime ("%H" ))
update = int ((datetime .now ()+timedelta (minutes = 2 )).strftime ("%M" ))
def sendMessage ():
speak ("Who do you wan to message" )
a = int (input ('''Person 1 - 1
Person 2 - 2''' ))
if a == 1 :
speak ("Whats the message" )
message = str (input ("Enter the message- " ))
pywhatkit .sendwhatmsg ("+91000000000" ,message ,time_hour =strTime ,time_min =update )
elif a ==2 :
16. Shutdown system with your voice
elif "shutdown the system" in query :
speak ("Are You sure you want to shutdown" )
shutdown = input ("Do you wish to shutdown your computer? (yes/no)" )
if shutdown == "yes" :
os .system ("shutdown /s /t 1" )
elif shutdown == "no" :
17. Pass wo rd Protection
#Paste this just below your import files
for i in range (3 ):
a = input ("Enter Password to open Jarvis :- " )
pw_file = open ("password.txt" ,"r" )
pw = pw_file .read ()
pw_file .close ()
if (a ==pw ):
elif (i ==2 and a !=pw ):
exit ()
elif (a !=pw ):
print ("Try Again" )
Paste this inside the while loop :-
elif "change password" in query :
speak ("What's the new password" )
new_pw = input ("Enter the new password \n " )
new_password = open ("password.txt" ,"w" )
new_password .write (new_pw )
new_password .close ()
speak ("Done sir" )
speak (f "Your new password is { new_pw } " )
18. Schedule My Day Function :- elif "schedule my day" in query :
tasks = [] #Empty list
speak ("Do you want to clear old tasks (Plz speak YES or NO)" )
query = takeCommand ().lower ()
if "yes" in query :
file = open ("tasks.txt" ,"w" )
file .write (f "" )
file .close ()
no_tasks = int (input ("Enter the no. of tasks :- " ))
i = 0
for i in range (no_tasks ):
tasks .append (input ("Enter the task :- " ))
file = open ("tasks.txt" ,"a" )
file .write (f " { i } . { tasks [i ]} \n " )
file .close ()
elif "no" in query :
i = 0
no_tasks = int (input ("Enter the no. of tasks :- " ))
for i in range (no_tasks ):
tasks .append (input ("Enter the task :- " ))
file = open ("tasks.txt" ,"a" )
file .write (f " { i } . { tasks [i ]} \n " )
file .close ()
Show My Schedule using Desktop Notification Function :- elif "show my schedule" in query :
file = open ("tasks.txt" ,"r" )
content = file .read ()
file .close ()
mixer .init ()
mixer .music .load ("notification.mp3" )
mixer .music .play ()
notification .notify(
title = "My schedule :-" ,
message = content ,
timeout = 15
19. Open Any App Function :- elif "open" in query : #EASY METHOD
query = query .replace ("open" ,"" )
query = query .replace ("jarvis" ,"" )
pyautogui .press ("super" )
pyautogui .typewrite (query )
pyautogui .sleep (2 )
pyautogui .press ("enter" )
20. Internet Speed Function :-
elif "internet speed" in query :
wifi = speedtest .Speedtest ()
upload_net = wifi .upload ()/1048576 #Megabyte = 1024*1024 Bytes
download_net = wifi .download ()/1048576
print ("Wifi Upload Speed is" , upload_net )
print ("Wifi download speed is " ,download_net )
speak (f "Wifi download speed is { download_net } " )
speak (f "Wifi Upload speed is { upload_net } " )
21. IPL SCORE FUNCTION :- elif "ipl score" in query:
from plyer import notification #pip install plyer
import requests #pip install requests
from bs4 import BeautifulSoup #pip install bs4
url = "https://www.cricbuzz.com/"
page = requests.get(url)
soup = BeautifulSoup(page.text,"html.parser" )
team1 = soup.find_all(class_ = "cb-ovr-flo cb-hmscg-tm-nm" )[0 ].get_text()
team2 = soup.find_all(class_ = "cb-ovr-flo cb-hmscg-tm-nm" )[1 ].get_text()
team1_score = soup.find_all(class_ = "cb-ovr-flo" )[8 ].get_text()
team2_score = soup.find_all(class_ = "cb-ovr-flo" )[10 ].get_text()
a = print (f " { team1} : { team1_score} " )
b = print (f " { team2} : { team2_score} " )
title = "IPL SCORE :- " ,
message = f " { team1} : { team1_score} \n { team2} : { team2_score} " ,
timeout = 15
from INTRO import play_gif
#paste this just below the password function
Open a New File and Name it as INTRO.py and paste the following code: - from tkinter import * #pip install tkinter
from PIL import Image ,ImageTk ,ImageSequence #pip install Pillow
import time
import pygame #pip install pygame
from pygame import mixer
mixer .init ()
root = Tk ()
root .geometry ("1000x500" )
def play_gif ():
root .lift ()
root .attributes ("-topmost" ,True )
global img
img = Image . open ( #enter the gif address )
lbl = Label (root )
lbl .place (x =0 ,y =0 )
i =0
mixer .music .load (#enter the music file address )
mixer .music .play ()
for img in ImageSequence .Iterator (img ):
img = img .resize((1000 ,500 ))
img = ImageTk .PhotoImage (img )
lbl .config (image =img )
root .update ()
time .sleep (0.05 )
root .destroy ()
play_gif ()
root .mainloop ()
23. ROCK PAPER SCISSOR WITH JARVIS :- elif "play a game" in query :
from game import game_play
game_play ()
Open a New File and Name it as game.py and paste the following code: -
import pyttsx3
import speech_recognition as sr
import random
engine = pyttsx3 .init ('sapi5' )
voices = engine .getProperty ('voices' )
engine .setProperty ('voice' , voices [0 ].id)
engine .setProperty ("rate" , 170 )
def speak (audio ):
engine .say (audio )
engine .runAndWait ()
def takeCommand ():
r = sr .Recognizer ()
with sr .Microphone () as source :
print ("Listening....." )
r .pause_threshold = 1
r .energy_threshold = 300
audio = r .listen (source ,0 ,4 )
try :
print ("Recognizing.." )
query = r .recognize_google (audio , language = 'en-in' )
print (f "You Said : { query } \n " )
except Exception as e :
print ("Say that again" )
return "None"
return query
def game_play ():
speak ("Lets Play ROCK PAPER SCISSORS !!" )
i = 0
Me_score = 0
Com_score = 0
while (i <5 ):
choose = ("rock" ,"paper" ,"scissors" ) #Tuple
com_choose = random .choice (choose )
query = takeCommand ().lower ()
if (query == "rock" ):
if (com_choose == "rock" ):
speak ("ROCK" )
print (f "Score:- ME :- { Me_score } : COM :- { Com_score } " )
elif (com_choose == "paper" ):
speak ("paper" )
Com_score += 1
print (f "Score:- ME :- { Me_score } : COM :- { Com_score } " )
else :
speak ("Scissors" )
Me_score += 1
print (f "Score:- ME :- { Me_score } : COM :- { Com_score } " )
elif (query == "paper" ):
if (com_choose == "rock" ):
speak ("ROCK" )
Me_score += 1
print (f "Score:- ME :- { Me_score +1 } : COM :- { Com_score } " )
elif (com_choose == "paper" ):
speak ("paper" )
print (f "Score:- ME :- { Me_score } : COM :- { Com_score } " )
else :
speak ("Scissors" )
Com_score += 1
print (f "Score:- ME :- { Me_score } : COM :- { Com_score } " )
elif (query == "scissors" or query == "scissor" ):
if (com_choose == "rock" ):
speak ("ROCK" )
Com_score += 1
print (f "Score:- ME :- { Me_score } : COM :- { Com_score } " )
elif (com_choose == "paper" ):
speak ("paper" )
Me_score += 1
print (f "Score:- ME :- { Me_score } : COM :- { Com_score } " )
else :
speak ("Scissors" )
print (f "Score:- ME :- { Me_score } : COM :- { Com_score } " )
i += 1
print (f "FINAL SCORE :- ME :- { Me_score } : COM :- { Com_score } " )
24. SCREENSHOT FUNCTION :- elif "screenshot" in query :
import pyautogui #pip install pyautogui
im = pyautogui .screenshot ()
im .save ("ss.jpg" )
25. CAMERA FUNCTION :- elif "click my photo" in query :
pyautogui .press ("super" )
pyautogui .typewrite ("camera" )
pyautogui .press ("enter" )
pyautogui .sleep (2 )
speak ("SMILE" )
pyautogui .press ("enter" )
elif "focus mode" in query :
a = int (input ("Are you sure that you want to enter focus mode :- [1 for YES / 2 for NO " ))
if (a ==1 ):
speak ("Entering the focus mode...." )
os .startfile ("D: \\ Coding \\ Youtube \\ Jarvis \\ FocusMode.py" )
exit ()
else :
Open a New File and Name it as FocusMode.py and paste the following code: - import time
import datetime
import ctypes ,sys
def is_admin ():
try :
return ctypes .windll .shell32.IsUserAnAdmin()
except :
return False
if is_admin ():
current_time = datetime .datetime .now ().strftime ("%H:%M" )
Stop_time = input ("Enter time example:- [10:10]:- " )
a = current_time .replace (":" ,"." )
a = float (a )
b = Stop_time .replace (":" ,"." )
b = float (b )
Focus_Time = b -a
Focus_Time = round (Focus_Time ,3 )
host_path ='C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc\hosts'
redirect = ''
print (current_time )
time .sleep (2 )
website_list = ["www.facebook.com" ,"facebook.com" ] #Enter the websites that you want to block
if (current_time < Stop_time ):
with open (host_path ,"r+" ) as file : #r+ is writing+ reading
content = file .read ()
time .sleep (2 )
for website in website_list :
if website in content :
else :
file .write (f " { redirect } { website } \n " )
print ("DONE" )
time .sleep (1 )
print ("FOCUS MODE TURNED ON !!!!" )
while True :
current_time = datetime .datetime .now ().strftime ("%H:%M" )
website_list = ["www.facebook.com" ,"facebook.com" ] #Enter the websites that you want to block
if (current_time >= Stop_time ):
with open (host_path ,"r+" ) as file :
content = file .readlines ()
file .seek (0 )
for line in content :
if not any (website in line for website in website_list ):
file .write (line )
file .truncate ()
print ("Websites are unblocked !!" )
file = open ("focus.txt" ,"a" )
file .write (f ", { Focus_Time } " ) #Write a 0 in focus.txt before starting
file .close ()
else :
ctypes .windll .shell32.ShellExecuteW(None , "runas" , sys .executable , " " .join (sys .argv ), None , 1 )
elif "show my focus" in query :
from FocusGraph import focus_graph
focus_graph ()
Open a New File and Name it as FocusGraph.py and paste the following code: -
#pip install matplotlib
import matplotlib .pyplot as pt
def focus_graph ():
file = open ("focus.txt" ,"r" )
content = file .read ()
file .close ()
content = content .split ("," )
x1 = []
for i in range (0 ,len (content )):
content [i ] = float (content [i ])
x1 .append (i )
print (content )
y1 = content
pt .plot (x1 ,y1 ,color = "red" ,marker = "o" )
pt .title ("YOUR FOCUSED TIME" ,fontsize = 16 )
pt .xlabel ("Times" ,fontsize = 14 )
pt .ylabel ("Focus Time" , fontsize = 14 )
pt .grid ()
pt .show ()
Open a New File and Name it as "focus.txt" and write "0" in it: -
28. TRANSLATOR FUNCTION :- elif "translate" in query :
from Translator import translategl
query = query .replace ("jarvis" ,"" )
query = query .replace ("translate" ,"" )
translategl (query )
Open a New File and Name it as Translator.py and paste the following code: -
from fnmatch import translate
from time import sleep
from googletrans import Translator
import googletrans #pip install googletrans
from gtts import gTTS
import googletrans
import pyttsx3
import speech_recognition
import os
from playsound import playsound
import time
engine = pyttsx3 .init ("sapi5" )
voices = engine .getProperty ("voices" )
engine .setProperty ("voice" , voices [0 ].id)
rate = engine .setProperty ("rate" ,170 )
def speak (audio ):
engine .say (audio )
engine .runAndWait ()
def takeCommand ():
r = speech_recognition .Recognizer ()
with speech_recognition .Microphone () as source :
print ("Listening....." )
r .pause_threshold = 1
r .energy_threshold = 300
audio = r .listen (source ,0 ,4 )
try :
print ("Understanding.." )
query = r .recognize_google (audio ,language ='en-in' )
print (f "You Said: { query } \n " )
except Exception as e :
print ("Say that again" )
return "None"
return query
def translategl (query ):
speak ("SURE SIR" )
print (googletrans .LANGUAGES )
translator = Translator ()
speak ("Choose the language in which you want to translate" )
b = input ("To_Lang :- " )
text_to_translate = translator .translate (query ,src = "auto" ,dest = b ,)
text = text_to_translate .text
try :
speakgl = gTTS (text =text , lang =b , slow = False )
speakgl .save ("voice.mp3" )
playsound ("voice.mp3" )
time .sleep (5 )
os .remove ("voice.mp3" )
except :
print ("Unable to translate" )
NameError: name 'takeCommnad' is not defined
ReplyDeleteDon't type 'takeCommand' just type'Command'
DeleteTraceback (most recent call last):
DeleteFile "C:\Users\shaik\PycharmProjects\Project\Final\Chat Bot Ai A\Jarvis_Final\Jarvis_main.py", line 73, in
query = Command().lower()
AttributeError: 'NoneType' object has no attribute 'lower'
sm error
DeleteBro ai
DeleteTake commad
But not reply
thanks bro working
ReplyDeletesir exe file dada
ReplyDeleteThe translator isn't getting the playsound module, after installing it via pip too.
ReplyDeleteWrite this:pip uninstall playsound,
Deletepip install playsound==1.2.2
great work ,but if you use open.ai ,you can build a better working jarvis
ReplyDeleteit says no input device error any solution?
Deletebro can you tell me what technologies you used to in jarvis assistat
ReplyDeleteBro I need your Help Bro... in jervis project I'm facing some error bro...I Already knocked you on Instagram bro...Foyshal Khan
ReplyDeletesir, music file is not running on pycharm it's showing question mark
ReplyDeletein alarm function